The German Longhaired Pointer
As the name suggests, the German Longhaired Pointer originates from Germany, where it must be considered one of the oldest gun dog breeds, especially if you look at hunting pictures and Gobelins from the Middle Ages, where the dogs depicted are similar to the breed currently known as German long-haired Pointers. In Germany, the German Longhaired Pointer was known for being a versatile hunting dog, hence the name "Mädchen für Alles” (all-round dog). It was also known as ”Der Alte Försterhund” (The Old Forest Dog). This is not least due to its strong ability as a Schweisshund, its loud throaty sound when working and the safe retrieval of all kinds of wild game. In 1879, a breeding standard was established and still forms the basis for breeding today. The breed's appearance has barely changed since then.
A mix of many breed
The breed that is currently known as the German Longhaired Pointer dates back to that time, where the pointers were intensively bred. Ancestors of the German Longhaired Pointer include bird dogs, water dogs and driving gun dogs, such as the French Spaniel, and Wachtel dogs – a very loyal, retriever and all-encompassing gun dog originating from southern Germany. Equally, both Irish Setters and Gordon Setters have been bred into the German Longhaired Pointer, as have German Shorthaired Pointers.
A popular dog
The first Longhaired Pointer was imported to Denmark in the 1960s, and at the end of the 1990s the breed was so widely known that starting a breed-specific club seemed the obvious next step. Langhårsklubben was consequently established in 1979. The German Longhaired Pointer is a pronounced gun dog and, like the other continental pointer breeds, is a good all-round dog. The German Longhaired Pointer is a good bird dog and retriever and can also be used for Schweisshund work.
Bred for hunting, by hunters for hunters
Size-wise, in the case of males, the German Longhaired Pointer measures 60-70 cm for males, with the ideal size being 63-66 cm. The bitches are naturally slightly smaller and, according to the standard, measure 58-66 cm, with an ideal size of 60-63 cm. Weight is 25-33 kg. The colour variants are slightly different and these are described in detail on the club's website. Most are solid brown but are also available as brown with white or ticked markings (especially on the chest and paws), or with dark dapples with larger or smaller dark brown patches. The motto for the German Longhaired Pointer is: Bred for hunting, by hunters for hunters!